Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What Kind of Sewing Are You ENjoying This Summer

I've been doing a lot of upholstery work, as I'm pushing reopening my custom car interior business back into the forefront of my activities.

But, I do plan to do a bit of clothes making and if they go well, I'll post pictures and tutorials.

I recently picked up a bra pattern I'm excited to try, as I'm an odd size and can't find a bra for under $40, I hope it goes well.

I also was inspired by a video about making underwear that made it look so easy and fun - I'm picturing all my scraps of knit fabric turned into cute panties - what a great way to reduce waste by using the scraps - if it works out.

So tell me, what are your summer sewing projects, and do you need any guidance on how to get them going or as you do them. If you get stuck, just ask for help - if I don't have the answer, I'll direct you to someone who does.

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