Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tips for Breaking Into the Fashion Design Industry

If you love sewing and maybe even creating your own designs, a career in fashion design might be the perfect career for you. Read on to learn more about how to train for a career in this competitive field.

Where to Get Fashion Design Training: Fashion design is a highly competitive field, with little growth expected. Finding the right fashion design training increases your chance of success.

Copyright . Contact the author to obtain permission for republication. Originally published on Suite101.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Adjusted the Loopers on My Serger Today


One of the loopers on my serger, the one closest to the body of the serger, was loose and wobbling around like a child's loose tooth. I got the screw tightened but it still would not stitch.

After that, I kept putting it off, thinking I would rather take my serger to my sewing machine mechanic than try to do it myself.

Anyway, today, (soon to be yesterday) I decided I needed my serger and could do it myself. I got out my allen wrench kit and tried different wrenches until I found the right size - it took a size 2 - metric.

I could not get that little screw to turn so I got help to loosen the screw. Then, I just slowly worked the hand crank so I could watch the positioning of the looper as it passed the needle.

When it hit the sweet spot, I tightened the screw with the size 2 allen wrench and rethreaded the beast. It stitched perfectly, and I saved the cost of a trip to the sewing machine repairman and a week without my machine.

The serger in the picture is not mine - it's a MorgueFile picture.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Recycling Blue Jeans

I like to save clothes when they wear out and make them into new things, like water bottle holders, and tote bags, but I just ran across another way to recycle denim blue jeans, so I thought I would share for those of you not interested in restyling old jeans into new things.

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Even if you don't use every scrap of your old clothes, you can still be earth-friendly and keep your old jeans out of landfills.

Cotton: From Blue to Green recycles old denim into Ultra Touch (TM) house insulation. With a lot to recommend this type of recycling and insulation, Ultra Touch (TM):
  • is environmentally safe
  • is non-itch (as someone allergic to fiberglass I especially appreciate this feature)
  • is non-carcinogenic
  • is formaldehyde-free
  • is free of chemical additives
  • provides exceptional thermal performance
  • provides 30% more sound absorbing than fiberglass
  • contains an active mold/mildew inhibitor (it is one of the only insulation products that does this.)
Interestingly, it does not appear the everyday person can go buy this premium insulation, because it goes to Habitat for Humanity and community projects can apply for a grant of this blue insulation.

So, if you are not in the mood to recycle, restyle, or upcycle your old jeans, you can always feel good about donating them to be recycled into this eco-friendly insulation.

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