Cotton |
Cotton: From Blue to Green recycles old denim into Ultra Touch (TM) house insulation. With a lot to recommend this type of recycling and insulation, Ultra Touch (TM):
- is environmentally safe
- is non-itch (as someone allergic to fiberglass I especially appreciate this feature)
- is non-carcinogenic
- is formaldehyde-free
- is free of chemical additives
- provides exceptional thermal performance
- provides 30% more sound absorbing than fiberglass
- contains an active mold/mildew inhibitor (it is one of the only insulation products that does this.)
So, if you are not in the mood to recycle, restyle, or upcycle your old jeans, you can always feel good about donating them to be recycled into this eco-friendly insulation.
Great article Lot's of information to Read...Great Man Keep Posting and update to People..Thanks service