How to Find Time to Sew image courtesy of Pixabay |
How to Find Time to Sew
By Laure Justice
It's so common for us to put the things we enjoy aside while we're dealing with the day to day challenges of life, and things like creative hobbies (ahem... sewing) are often the first things we skip.We shouldn't do that, though, and here's why... releasing your creativity leads to you being your best self.
Sewing is More Than Just the Act of Stitching Something
If you are mending something, you might not get a lot of chance to express your creativity, but even with mending, you get a chance to feel good about extending the useful life of a garment or decor item.More than just the stitches you run through the fabric, though, is the experience of turning a plain piece of fabric into a useful, attractive thing, plus, being able to say you made it yourself.
But, life is busy, so, how do you find time to sew?
Think Small
By think small, I don't mean you can only make little things. I mean, break your projects into increments you can do in short time pockets throughout your day or week.
For example, if you want to make a pair of jeans, but don't have time to do it all at once, get everything ready in one pocket of time. Then, lay out the fabric and pattern in another - if you can't leave it out with pins in it - like if you have kids or pets - you may need time to go ahead and cut. Then, break each segment of the directions into things you can do a bit at a time. It will take longer, but you'll get it done. Compared to if you try to do it all at once and never get to it.
Set a Timer
If you know you only have ten minutes to spare, set a timer and enjoy. Even if it's not long, it is your YOU time, and you deserve it.
Prepare a Handy Kit
You can use a tote bag, an old purse, or even a plastic crayon container for this. Just tuck a small piece of handiwork, like a towel you want to embroider or some bead work you want to do, in the container. Include thread or embroidery floss, a small pair of sewing scissors or snips, and your needle and you can get some stitching time in on lunch break, when you're waiting at the doctor's office, or any time you end up with a few free minutes.
If sewing makes you happy, there are so many ways to fit time for it into your life, so go ahead, enjoy your creative time. You deserve it.
sewing is an art and like it so much
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Make the most of your available sewing time. It is important to learn how to effectively organize your sewing, crafting and quilting projects in order to minimize down time and be able to complete the projects without frustration. Yee Kok Siong